Read the latest update from our Community Company in Residence Encore Productions

The cast and crew of the Encore Productions are having a well-earned period of rest and renewal after their performances of The Beckett list earlier this month. The show really struck a chord with audiences and the response in the auditorium was terrific on both nights with the crowd commenting how much they were both educated and entertained by the shows mixture of fact and fantasy.

Encore have developed a style of production that blends film and narration with live acting on stage to create a rich and complex stage picture from a very minimal set. Audiences were enthralled by the clarity of the story telling and the cumulative effect of the passionate acting and the stylish black and white images and footage of Dublin, Paris and the imagined worlds of Beckett’s Plays.

Encore will soon move out of the theatre for the month of July to make way for the summer programmes here, but we will continue to work on our craft in preparation for further performances of The Beckett list in Dundalk, Bray and Castleblaney in the Autumn.

Meanwhile, the question as ever….what’s next on the list of plays for Encore?

Sandy Sneddon
Encore Productions.