Last night was the culmination of our three month positive aging drama project.
We screened two films that captured the passion for life of the twenty participants in the project. 🎬
Ordinary People – Duration 5 minutes
Shot in black and white, this short film depicts a group of extraordinary people introducing themselves and making a personal statement in relation to ageism and ageing.
Life’s Journey – Duration – 52 minutes
This extraordinary piece of work is a powerful and moving tribute to each person involved in the film. Each participant selected an item of clothing that has a very special meaning for them and they explained the back story to the object and why it has such a special place in their life.
This is the first initiative that the Louth Age Friendly Programme has delivered as part of an ongoing suite of ageism awareness initiatives.
The project explored many themes older people are facing in society. The short films were devised over a number of weeks with Director Paul Hayes. They were then written by Conor McGinnity and shot and edited by Seán McMahon with sound recording from Iain Faulkner and Produced by Sinéad McVerry.

‘Age is just a number, never stop living life’ 🌰🌱🌳

Thanks to our funders Creative Ireland and Age Action Louth.